Cusco Geldbörse
- Farbe: schwarz / Kelim
- Material: Leder / Kelim
- Geldbörse, die man auch als Tasche tragen kann
- Innenfächer für Geld, Karten und Münzen
- Inklusive Umhängekette aus Metall
- L: 21 cm, H: 11 cm, T: 2.5 cm
- Hinweis: Das Kelim-Muster variiert von Tasche zu Tasche. Dies macht die Tasche zu einem Unikat.
Unser Portemonnaie Cusco ist die ideale Geldbörse für den täglichen Gebrauch. Mehrere Kartenfächer und Trennräume bieten ausreichend Platz, wodurch sich kleine Wertgegenstände optimal verstauen lassen. Ein toller Zusatz ist die leicht an- und abzunehmende Umhängekette, die aus der großzügigen Geldbörse im Handumdrehen eine Clutch oder Crossbody Bag macht. Ideal als Abendtasche!
Wir verwenden nur hochwertige, natürliche Materialien wie Leder und Kelims, die in Europa hergestellt und fair verarbeitet werden.
Widerrufsrecht für Verbraucher aus der EU
(Verbraucher ist jede natürliche Person, die ein Rechtsgeschäft zu Zwecken abschließt, die überwiegend weder Ihrer gewerblichen noch ihrer selbstständigen beruflichen Tätigkeit zugerechnet werden können.)
You have the right to cancel this contract within 14 days without stating any reason. The statutory cancellation period is 14 days starting from the day when you or a third party, who is not the carrier, has taken possession of the items or, in the case of part deliveries, the final item.
Um Ihr Widerrufsrecht auszuüben, müssen Sie uns informieren:
Daniela Holleis-Weingärtner
Karl-Josef v. Frey-Gasse 28
4810 Gmunden Austria
E-mail: shop@ellamar.eu
by means of an unequivocal declaration (e.g. by a letter sent by post or e-mail) of your decision to cancel this contract.
To observe the cancellation period it is sufficient for you to send the statement of your wish to exercise your cancellation rights before the expiry of the cancellation period.
Folgen des Widerrufs
If you cancel this contract, we have to return to you any payments which we have received from you, including delivery costs (with the exception of any supplementary costs arising from your choice of any means of delivery other than our standard most inexpensive delivery option), without delay and at the latest within fourteen days from the day on which notice of your cancellation of this contract was received by us. For this repayment we shall use the same means of payment you employed for the original transaction, unless expressly agreed otherwise with you; on no account will you incur any financial charge on our part on account of this repayment.
We may refuse any repayment until we have received back the goods or until you have provided proof that you have sent back the goods depending on whichever is earlier.
You must send back or hand back the goods without delay, and in any case at the latest within fourteen days from the day you informed us of the cancellation of this contract, to:
Daniela Holleis-Weingärtner
Karl-Josef v. Frey-Gasse 28
4810 Gmunden Austria
The time limit is observed if you dispatch the goods before the end of the fourteen day period.
If you are unable to restore or return to us anything provided for service or usage (e.g. benefits of use) or can only do so in part or in a deteriorated condition, you must provided appropriate compensation. For the deterioration of the material and for usages made you must only provide compensation in as far as the usages or the deterioration are the consequence of employing the material in a way that goes beyond its tested features and functioning. By "Tested features and functioning" we mean the testing and trying out of the particular item, as is possible or normal for example in the shop context.
Sie tragen die unmittelbaren Kosten der Rücksendung der Waren.
Versand nach Österreich
Shipping costs: 4,90 EUR per order, no minimum order
Versandart: Post Paket (Übergabe an den Paketdienst innerhalb von 1-2 Werktagen)
Total delivery time : 2-4 business days
Für den Fall einer Rücksendung bieten wir eine kostenlose Rücksendung per Post an.
Versand nach Deutschland
Shipping costs: 4,90 EUR per order, no minimum order
Shipping Method: DHL Paket (delivery to the parcel service within 1-2 business days)
Total delivery time : 2-4 work days
Für den Fall einer Rücksendung bieten wir eine kostenlose Rücksendung per DHL an.
Versand innerhalb der EU
Shipping costs: 4,90 EUR per order, no minimum orderShipping Method: Post Parcel International (Delivery to the parcel service within 1-2 business days)
Total delivery time : 4-6 business days
Versand in die Schweiz
Prices in the shop: The prices in the shop are displayed without VAT.
The prices in the shop are displayed without VAT, as your delivery goes to a country outside the EU. It must be expressly stated that upon delivery to Switzerland local taxes, import duties and duties may be due, which we do not identify and for which the customer has to pay in full.
Shipping Method: Post Parcel International (delivery to post office within 2 working days)
Total delivery time : 4-8 business days
Parcels are sent as a parcel to Österreichische Post within 1-2 working days and sent to Customs. Customs clearance may take several business days. In Switzerland, the parcel is handed over to Swiss Post and delivered.
Versandverpackung: Die Versandschachteln sind der Warengröße angepasst und ihre Ware wird gut geschützt verpackt.
Lieferverzögerung: Bei Lieferverzögerungen werden wir Sie umgehend informieren.
Unavailability: In case of unavailability of the ordered goods, we reserve the right not to deliver. In this case, we will inform you immediately and immediately refund any consideration already received.
Zahlen per PayPal
PayPal is the online payment service that lets you pay for your purchases easily and quickly. PayPal protects your credit card information with industry-leading security and fraud prevention systems. When using PayPal we will not be notified of your bank details and credit card details. With PayPal, all common payment methods are automatically available: direct debit, credit card, giropay and credit card payments. When paying with PayPal, we will receive the payment immediately credited to our PayPal account and your order will be shipped immediately.
Zahlen per Kreditkarte
With credit card you can pay fast and 100% secure. Flux Online accepts Visa, Mastercard and Maestro. The amount is submitted with the shipment of the goods for set-off. Shipping is immediate.
Zahlen per Vorkasse
It is also possible to pay in advance. Prepayment means that you transfer the invoice amount to our account (SEPA transfer) and after the payment has been received, the goods will be sent. SEPA stands for "Single Euro Payments Area" and is the implementation of an EU decision to introduce a single payment procedure for the 27 member states.